Category: Benjamin Franklin

  • Eyeglasses as One of the Greatest Inventions

    The innate curiosity that humans possess have helped solve problems to a plethora of different issues for thousands of years. While curiosity will never be the sole instigator to some of the most infamous inventors in human history, it definitely played a significant factor in the critical thinking devoted to the mechanical and technological evolution…

  • Jackets Indian Speech and Franklins Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America

    Through the centuries, nature was used in literature to symbolize the way ancestors used to live. Times might change, but humans connection to the world of nature would always stay the same and show their concerns with life and death, the beginning and the ending. The theme of nature especially deeply relates to the life…

  • Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Biography

    One of the people who cannot be easily forgotten as far as the history of America is concerned is Benjamin Franklin. Franklin is regarded as one of the main founders of the United States because of his active participation in the development of different fields. This paper presents the biography of Benjamin Franklin. The paper…

  • Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography Review

    Table of Contents Comparison Reliability Life in Colonial America Significance of Autobiography Additional Sources Conclusion References The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is among the most important historical documents of the United States and is the major literary work of its author. It was and is the very first autobiography to reach the general public and…

  • Benjamin Franklin Is a Historical Figure in the US

    Table of Contents Introduction Benjamin Franklin and American Literature Benjamin Franklin the Scientist Benjamin Franklin the Politician Conclusion Referencces Introduction Assessing the influence of a particular figure in the history of a nation, usually one or two directions are chosen as criteria for assessment. For Benjamin Franklin, such method of assessment would have been applicable.…

  • What Kind of Person Was Benjamin Franklin?

    According to his autobiography Benjamin Franklin is one of the prominent figures in American history, whose autobiography remains popular up to date. Initially, he began writing it as a way to recollect his memories, relieve his life on paper, and amuse his son (Franklin 22). However, in the second part of the biography, he switched…

  • Feminism in Literary Works of Murray, Franklin, and Fuller

    Table of Contents Introduction Feminism and the Equality of Rights Equality in Areas Other Than Rights The Author with the Most Convincing and Valid Points The Author with the Best Writing Style Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Gender equality has been a revolutionary topic in the past centuries. As a teenager, Benjamin Franklin used the pseudonym…

  • The Lancaster Treaty of 1744 Published by Franklin

    The official record of the Lancaster Treaty of 1744 published by Franklin presents a picture of tense but respectful negotiations marked by a high degree of cultural understanding. When we include informal accounts, like those by Bartram, Weiser, and Marshe, we find confirmation and complementation of the official record. The Lancaster Treaty of 1744 was…