Category: Being a Writer
William Faulkner on Writer’s Duty: Critical Analysis
At the end of World War II, William Faulkner gave a speech after accepting a Nobel prize, his bold use of language portrays that a writers duty is to admonish the delusions that hinder our ability to perceive the world honestly. Two books that give an account of nostalgia, An American Childhood by Annie Dillard…
The Peculiarities of Writing Style in Pride and Prejudice
Introduction to Austens Stylistic Devices What is an authors style? What are their voices and tone and how do they portray them throughout their writing? Jane Austen was an astonishing writer during the 18th century, whos writing varied novel to novel. One of her greatest works being Pride and Prejudice. Within the novel, she uses…
A Writer’s Choice of Words: The Truth That Lies Beneath
What is the controversy? The controversy is a disagreement in opinion relating to events. It is meant to not only bring awareness but also to allow others to voice their opinions. This becomes a problem because it is hard for people to agree or disagree. Dave Chappell is infamous for being the focal point of…
Analysis of Edgar Allen Poe as a Gothic Writer
Do you know the features of Gothic literature and who are Gothic writers? The origin of Gothic literature is Gothic architecture which is a kind of medieval architecture of several significant cathedrals and churches built by the style in Britain and France they emphasize verticality and light, height suggests aspiration to heaven, and the buildings…
A Writer’s Choice of Words: The Truth That Lies Beneath
What is the controversy? The controversy is a disagreement in opinion relating to events. It is meant to not only bring awareness but also to allow others to voice their opinions. This becomes a problem because it is hard for people to agree or disagree. Dave Chappell is infamous for being the focal point of…
Analysis of Edgar Allen Poe as a Gothic Writer
Do you know the features of Gothic literature and who are Gothic writers? The origin of Gothic literature is Gothic architecture which is a kind of medieval architecture of several significant cathedrals and churches built by the style in Britain and France they emphasize verticality and light, height suggests aspiration to heaven, and the buildings…
Essay on Who I Am as a Writer
How to become a thriving freelance writer? I get a whole lot of emails from personalities asking me how to develop freelance writing quality as a profession as they doubt that they are not from a major city. I always tell them that, at least today, your location in the world doesn’t matter much, because…
How to Describe Yourself as a Writer
Statement of purpose Kinney the cupboard is a story about England’s finest cupboard who was born on 16th April 1973. A famous carpenter named John Makaly`s last Masterpiece was a story cooked in the middle of 9th grade English class. This was highly inspired by Beauty and the Beast the cupboard which was sort of…
Tips to Becoming a Prolific Writer: Essay
Writing is a skill that not only entails getting a set word count but requires a combination of skills that keep a writer afloat all-round the seasons. A writer should get the best possible results with regard to quality and before the set deadlines. Comprehensive research comes in handy since the clients show appreciation for…