Category: Aunt

  • The Peculiarities Of Language In Shafana And Aunt Sarrinah



    Language may be the words spoken, gestures, demeanour, visual or image. It is used to transfer the messages within the society. Culture is the understanding of people about the aspects such as traditions, customs and religions. While the identity is a persons understanding about himself or herself and it is influenced by the culture. In…

  • The Handmaids Tale: On The Crux Of Successful Feminism



    The novel, The Handmaids Tale, by Margaret Atwood uses the anti-feminist rhetoric of Phyllis Schlafly to create the dystopian society of Gilead, the logical extension not only of Puritan government but also of the agenda articulated during the 1980s by Americas fundamentalist Christian Right (Neuman 857). Atwood recognizes that the agreement on the oppressive nature…

  • Hasna Henna As A Metonym To Rohingyas Refugees



    Faizullahs choice of using the Ghazal form to write her poem was suitable and accurate. The Ghazal form is used for describing and talking about a beloved that could be a family member, later it was used to discuss the feelings of loss and longing. Faizullah is combining both subjects to write about her dear…

  • The Aunt Alexandra Effect In To Kill The Mockingbird



    Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird was one heck of a novel. In the beginning I really didnt like the book and with some parts I still dont, but after all, this book was good. In this novel a lot of characters had an impact, some big and some small. The story really pertained the…