Category: Atticus Finch

  • The Unspoken Privilege Of Atticus Finch

    Atticus Finch is regarded by many as a hero and an ideal role model. Hes known to be a proponent for humanitys equal right to justice and his parenting was considered to be way ahead of his time. But no ones perfect, and Atticus is no exception. Even though Atticuss parenting is commendable, his idealism…

  • Atticus Finch’s Honesty And Courage

    Who is Atticus Finch? Atticus is one of if not the best man in Maycomb, he is also a lawyer and a father who acts in a very gentleman way even in the most nerve-wracking situations a person could be in. And in the types of situations that he finds himself in during the novel…

  • Atticus Finch Is A Good Parent And Role Model

    Introduction to Atticus Finch’s Parenting and Role Model Qualities Referring to the classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird, readers will see Atticus Finch as no ordinary man. He acts as not only a role model to his children Scout and Jem Finch but to the Maycomb community itself. He is shown as a good father…

  • An Understanding Man Atticus Finch

    Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving,(Dale Carnegie). The book To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee contains many strong and defining characters. One character who stands out from the rest is a lawyer who defends a black man accused of raping a…

  • A Character Analysis Of Atticus Finch

    In Harper Lees Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the reader is introduced to an admirable father figure within the first chapter. Atticus Finch, a single father of two, lives in rural 1930s America working as a lawyer and state legislator. Being older than most parents in Maycomb, his children perceive him as not…

  • To Kill a Mockingbird: Techniques Used to Pressure and Construct the Characters of Bob Ewell and Atticus Finch

    Harper Lees fictional bildungsroman novel, To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM), published in 1960, depicts Americas discriminatory historical period of the 1900s. It entails the perspective from a reflection of the author’s childhood and it also includes the racial prejudicial ways of the past. The novel was positioned in the small old town of Maycomb, Alabama…

  • To Kill A Mockingbird: To Be an Outsider Is To Be a Hero

    What does it mean to be an outsider? On a personal level, the thought of being excluded from a group to me, made being labelled as an ‘outsider’ seem negative. However, Harper Lee, through her thought-provoking yet engaging novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, places a whole new perspective on what an ‘outsider’ truly is. This…

  • Examples of Racism in to Kill a Mockingbird

    Introduction to Discrimination in “To Kill a Mockingbird” Discrimination has been present throughout human history for centuries. In Harper Lees classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird, there is a narration of happenings during the Great Depression and how discrimination was evident between black and white communities. Due to its instant success, a film adaptation was…

  • Atticus vs Bob Ewell: Comparative Essay on To Kill A Mockingbird

    Comparing Atticus Finch and Bob Ewell is like comparing God to the devil. No two characters have ever been so antithetical. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee does an acceptable job in showing the audience that they have opposite roles in their community, their actions and interactions with individuals are completely different, but the…

  • Role of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird

    Atticus Finch pl0yed 0 cruci0l role in To Kill 0 Mockinbird. He pl0yed the role of the l0wyer which took pl0ce in M0ycomb, 0l0b0m0. In his whole f0mily, he w0s the only one who bec0me 0 l0wyer. He w0s very c0lm thought every situ0tion. He w0s 0 decent person in the book 0nd he represents…