Category: Atmosphere

  • Consequences of Global Warming Essay

    Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the earths atmosphere and its oceans, a change believed to be permanent. ( ). The National Geographic website explains that global warming is the result of high levels of greenhouse gases(carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and ozone) in the earths atmosphere. Wikipedia asserts that…

  • Are Humans Responsible for Global Warming? Essay

    Are humans actually affecting global warming? Humans have been worsening the state of our planet for over 50 years now (MacMillan, Amanda). Various activities such as driving, having barbecues, and even something as simple as throwing out our waste produces gasses that will cripple our atmosphere. Once you begin to look into the origins of…

  • A Bright Future Without Global Warming

    Imagine if this world ended because of natural disasters, and your family became one of the victims. There will be much sadness experienced by the people who lose their loved ones. ‘Global warming is not a prediction; it is happening,’ according to James Hensen. Global warming is the process of the increasing average temperatures in…

  • Land Pollution Essay

    It took 30 years for Love Canal to be inhabitable again after twenty-two barrels of toxic waste were dumped into its waters in the late 1970s. Land pollution has greatly increased over the past several decades. Climate change has caught the attention of the world with very recent statistics of ice glaciers, ice gaps, and…

  • Heating of the Atmosphere Essay

    We humans are engaged in a variety of behaviors that are antagonistic, destructive, and catastrophic to our own kind and to our nature. Those performances have very devastating impact in human nature and to our one of a kind environment. We are dependent of inhumane behaviors that involve deforestation, mining, destruction of animal habitat, intensive…

  • Reduction of CO2 from Atmosphere Resulting In a Better Future

    The beautiful creation of the Almighty has been destroyed by the Almighty’s mightiest creatures  this topic could be a subject for debate, there will be motions against the house, for the house; but whatever will be the result depending on the strong opinions, the truth is Almighty is disappointed to see his creation in…

  • Mars Exploration Mission: Martian Atmosphere Studies

    Outline Since the discovery of the existence of other physical bodies in the universe, scientists have spent most of their time in the laboratories looking for ways and means of critically studying these bodies. For that reason equipments have been made and signals placed in them to make it possible for the scientist to perceive…

  • Importance of Atmosphere Essay

    Earth is a planet with an ecosystem composed of four domains: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. They represent air, water, land and life respectively. Each of these spheres is important in making Earth what it is now: the only planet in the solar system that can support life (Rosenberg, 2020). Each place on earth has…