Category: Athletes

  • Should Student Athletes Get Paid To Go To College?

    One of the biggest discussions in the sports world is should student athletes get paid to go to college? This type of pay is different from FAFSA and a full ride scholarship. I value these athletes having money for the essentials and necessities to live. Student athletes should get paid to go to college because…

  • Sexual Harassment And Violence In Athletic Programs

    Introduction With the increase amount of student athletes, sexual harassment and violence has increase in athletic programs across the country. Sexual harassment and violence in athletics increase the risk of student athletes, athletic directors, and institutions to be held liable in a civil suit. There should be a more active role for athletic directors in…

  • College Athletes And Financial Reward

    In this day and age, the ideal goal for most people is to find something they love to do and work hard every day to get better at their craft and get rewarded for this hard work. College athletes can kill two birds with one stone when it comes to finding their passion and getting…

  • Morality in Athletes: An Examination

    Morality is one’s ability to make the distinction between right and wrong, good or bad behavior. This is a characteristic that is very important in the majority of people’s lives as it can be the difference between keeping a good job and moving up in the world and losing your livelihood due to some questionable…

  • Sports Studies In The Development Of Athletes In Cricket

    Development in Decision Making Making an effective decision is an important part for the cricket as well for the development of an athletes in this particular sports(1). An ability of an athletes to take right decision in term of making the process successful in sports(Poolton, Master, & Maxwell,2006); also an integral part for the performance…

  • Competitive Sports Vs. Non-competitive Sports

    The Essence of Competitive Sports Although sports are generally known as being the same, they can be distinguished into two distinct categories, competitive and non-competitive. Of course, every sport has some sort of competitiveness depending on the individual and the specific sport. Competitive sports are sports that require the maximum amount of profession an individual…

  • Ethical Principles In Competitive Sports

    Sports is primarily a competitive activity where winning is the be all and end all. Perhaps that is why, in this highly competitive sports environment, we quite often hear about unethical behaviour which includes cheating, bending the rules, doping, abuse of food additives, physical and verbal violence, harassment, sexual abuse and trafficking of young sportspersons,…

  • Reasons Why Athletes Are Using CBD

    Introduction During a body workout, the body is under stress and to top it all, athletes experience chronic pain. With an aim to achieve top prize, they end up paying the full cost of torn muscles, arthritis, or strained ligaments. Others seek to find quick supplements to ease pain but end up getting banned. Various…

  • The Advantages Of Youth Competitive Sports

    Many parents wonder if joining a highly competitive sports team is the right decision for their youth athletes. All over the news we see newscast after newscast of increasing childhood obesity and health related diseases such as diabetes. Given this reality, kids need to be educated on the need to be more physically active, and…

  • Influence Of Competitive Sports On Teenager

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website says regular physical activity in adolescence improves strength and endurance, helps build healthy bones and muscles, helps control weight, cuts anxiety and stress, boosts self-esteem and may improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Researchers found that teens involved in sports had higher grade-point averages, and were…