Category: Asthma

  • Case Study on Asthma: Pathology and Symptoms

    Background Asthma is a respiratory and genetic condition characterized by the inflammation and narrowing of airways in the lungs. The inflammation forces airways to swell, contributing to difficulties in breathing (Rubner et al., 2017). During asthma attacks, individuals experience periods of intense coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing. Individuals with asthma may experience…

  • Research Essay on Asthma

    Many diseases of the human body are the result of mutations in certain key genes that are responsible for the proper development, anatomy, and function of human homeostasis. Thus, unless a medication or treatment option can be found that specifically targets the consequences of a mutation – for example, a diet that avoids phenylalanine to…

  • Childhood Asthma: Definition, Epidemiology, Diagnosis

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Several severe medical conditions are considered very serious and can cause concern for doctors. What is more, some diseases are not extremely dangerous in adults, but when they occur in children and adolescents, additional measures and treatments are required since the kids bodies are much weaker.…

Table 4: Number of African immigrant population in California.

Gender Yes (Number)%
Male 50%
Female 50%
Totals 100%