Category: Art 2722

  • Late Antiquity and Classical Art

    Late Antiquity may be characterized by a remarkable stylistic shift from realism that was typical for the art of the Roman Empire to the abstract style of Early Christians. Classical art focused on the depiction on the worlds beauty through naturalism and worldly themes. In turn, Early Christian artists did not aim to depict the…

  • Jaws by Steven Spielberg Review

    Jaws the film is a classic; it is one of the most famous and influential films in western cinematic history. It was released in 1975 by Universal Pictures and gathered worldwide fame and influence, both in positive and negative lights. While some may consider it outdated in mechanics, stylistic choices, and appearance, Jaws is still…

  • Depiction of Judith by Cranach, Gentileschi, and Klimt

    There is no doubt that every individual has a unique view of the same event and same person, and when it comes to art, there is an even more twisted perspective. Every artist has a distinctive way of capturing moments similar to ones signature and handwriting that cannot be recreated. The image of Judith beheading…

  • Theoretical Aspects in Arturo Gonzalez Documentary All of Me-2016

    The standpoint theory is a theoretical perspective that argues that anybody knowledgeable is stemmed from a social position. The standpoint theory acknowledges diversity by welcoming the oppressed group of women (Halpern, 2019). The documentary shows that the US and Mexico border is the only line that separates the two nations. These two nations have massive…

  • Discussion of Fictional Works of Art

    Fictional works of art are of particular value to both culture and society. They are some indicators of the intellectual achievements of mankind, which can be used to track its progress. When considering contemporary works of art that could become classics in the future and remain relevant for a long time, you should pay attention…

  • Public Art: Painting on the Ground in Times Square

    My public art project is a painting on the ground in Times Square, imaging the planet Earth, around which representatives of various cultures are depicted holding hands. This art project has an inspiring function. Multiculturalism, which implies a plurality of mutual influences while maintaining national integrity as the basis of consciousness, creates unlimited opportunities for…

  • Review of Tap Dancing Role in History and Nowadays

    Tap dancing that gained popularity in the first part of the XX century, has remained one of the best loved dances in the world. Being relatively simple and not requiring musical accompaniment, the danse attracts people by its beauty and ingenuousness. People can danse tap dancing without learning to dance making the dance popular among…

  • Immortal Blossoms in an Everlasting Spring by Giuseppe Castiglione

    Table of Contents Introduction Subject, Form, and Content Castigliones Unique Story Comparison Conclusion Introduction Immortal blossoms in an everlasting spring were sixteen bird and flower paintings by Giuseppe Castiglione. Castiglione was an Italian artist and a Jesuit missionary based in China during the Qing dynasty, where he was known as Lang Shining. The particular piece…

  • Role of Doña Bárbara in Latin American Nation

    Based on what I read and saw in the film, Doña Bárbara is significant in building Venezuelan (and Latin American) national identities since it shows new collective consciousness and political perspectives based on multiple identifiers such as gender. Understanding identity and how nationalism can be constructed in various socio-political contexts is not straightforward (0naç and…

  • Color in Superman for All Seasons Book by Loeb

    Superman for All Seasons is a renowned comic piece around the world. The story surrounds the life and personal experiences of Clark Kent: an abnormal fellow who enters planet Earth from a foreign one, Krypton. The young boy lands in a meteor-like spaceship that falls close to Smallville, Kansas, on a wheat plantation belonging to…