Category: Art 2722

  • Contrast of Irony and Sarcasm: Insights From a First-Order Metalanguage Investigation

    The relationship between irony and sarcasm is a matter of active discussion in the linguistic society. These forms of literary expressions have much in common, making it challenging to define and differentiate them accurately. In addition, scientists argue about the types of behavior that should be identified as ironic and sarcastic. This paper provides a…

  • The Parthenon Marbles: Are They British or Greek?

    Many people visit the Parthenon Sculptures in London since they represent the ancient Athenian civilization. They reveal how largely Greece influenced other nations it confronted, and how it got impacted by them as well (The British Museum, n.d). Although Parthenon Marbles attract many individuals, there have been endless debates on whether the British Museum should…

  • The Trial of the Chicago Drama by A. Sorkin

    A single story can be a basis for forming judgments in a person or a group of people about others. This situation is dangerous since the insufficient amount of information does not allow a person to form a complete picture and give an objective assessment. Thus, it is important to learn as much as possible…

  • The Locate of Art and Design and Scientific Model

    Abstract Science is an essential aspect for the growth and success of art and design. The incorporation of Science in art and design can help to improve and diversify skills. This is similar to the idea of social co-creation towards the creation of value. For instance, the scientist, computer scientist can help create sophisticated and…

  • Sculptural Perspectives: Kritios Boy and the Dying Gaul

    The Kritios Boy and the Dying Gaul are remarkable monuments of ancient sculptures. Although the significance of both statues is excellent, they are very different works of art. The purpose of this essay is to compare the two sculptures and analyze their similarities and differences. First of all, it is worth noting that the sculptures…

  • The School of Athens by Raphael Da Urbino

    Raphael Santi (Da Urbino) is an artist, graphic artist, and architect of the Renaissance. He is considered one of the outstanding representatives of the Umbrian school. His career was rapid, but very short since this greatest creator died at the age of 37 (Graham). The great Raphael Santi painted his fresco The Athenian School from…

  • Singer Gloria Estefans Biography

    Table of Contents Early Life Education Three Life Events Current Activity and Major Contributions Gloria Estefan is a famous American singer and songwriter who is originally from Cuba. Estefan gained worldwide fame and success as well as contributed to the popularization of Latin music. Gloria has recorded fourteen studio albums with her songs, many of…

  • Public Monuments: Article Analysis

    The article, Public monuments should represent history and reconciliation, not celebrate Canadas colonization, was posted on September 01, 2020, by Kerry Benjoe. The author argues that important figures and statutes should be a reflection of the city and its residents. Benjoe (2020) explains that the First Nations history was erased immediately after the Treaties ink…

  • Bazins Ontology and Approach of Daniel Morgan

    Morgan looked at Andre Bazins key work, which has been misinterpreted and mainly dismissed due to his brilliance and skill in grappling with tough difficulties of style and ontology. A more nuanced reading of Bazin reveals components of the classical theory that are crucial for thinking about images, regardless of how they are created. He…

  • The Series WandaVision: Homage to the Sitcom Genre

    WandaVision is a new series that pertains to some interesting qualities. As other modern cinematic content, it is multi generic. One of its generic facets appears to relate to sitcom, which is, as cited in Wieczorek, a half-hour series focused on episodes involving recurrent characters within the same premise (128). Additionally, distinctive productions manner, plot…