Category: Architecture

  • Architecture Essay

    My passion for architecture stems from my childhood when I was recognized as being able to express my thoughts through art. [review- needs to be stronger] This evolved into an ambition to use this forte to develop a career around it, one which would enable me to apply my innovativeness to improving peoples lives and…

  • How a Culture Define Architecture Space Essay

    Globalization heavily impacted architectural styles universally by allowing the start of cultural appropriation as well as its growth. Globalization leads to the substantial manifestation of (eras, factors, and styles) of architecture through culture appropriation. Within this essay, I will highlight cultural appropriation as an effect of globalization. Consequently, declaring that cultural appropriation of architecture was…

  • Essay on How Does Architecture Impact Society

    Its a little wacky to think that we live, as Lilliput, among pieces of gigantic artwork every day. These artworks are the concrete or brick buildings and structures designed by the architects. Architecture is an art form that easily integrates itself into every aspect of our society. Hence, it makes sense that architects, and their…

  • Essay on Romanesque Architecture Vs Gothic

    In this essay, I will be talking about Architecture and power and how it has altered and transformed over centuries. I will compare and contrast my examples, evaluate how there are differences in architecture, and look at its artistic approach. I will be exploring the development of different examples throughout the Romanesque Architecture and the…

  • Essay on Urbanism in Architecture

    Why Ecological Urbanism? Why now? The book discusses two important issues that can impact our environment. The first issue is rapid population growth and natural resource scarcity which are the major problems that we and our environment face. Generally, the ratio of population growth in many cities is so dramatic that conventional methods of planning…

  • Bauhaus Tower Architecture Essay

    Several novel structural solutions have distinguished the history of Western architecture from 1850 to 1950. This is the period of architecture and there are several periods associated with it, including the first fifty years from 1850 to 1900(iron-frame age), the second fifty years from 1900 to 1950 (steel-frame age and reinforced concrete), art nouveau, and…

  • Importance of Architecture Essay

    After the independence, a lot of intellectual individuals pursued their studies overseas and developed as architects and engineers after they back to Malaysia. As a result, the philosophy and approach that they brought back no longer created local identity. Hence, our nations development is going internationalism (Tahir, et al., 2010). The influence of modern architecture…

  • Beauty in Architecture through Proportions Essay

    The Golden Ratio in Design and Architecture Mathematics and Architecture are like two peas in a pod. In the past, Architecture has done great things for geometry. In measuring the land they lived on, it was people’s need to build their buildings that caused them to first investigate the theory of form and shape (Freiberger,…

  • Essay on Calligraphy in Islamic Architecture

    The Alhambra Palace is located in Granada, Spain. It was built by the Nasrid Dynasty in the 13th and 14th centuries when they had control of the Islamic territories in the south of Spain. In 1492, that area was conquered by the Christians. The monarchs leading that conquering were King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella –…

  • Roman Architecture Essay

    Architecture acts as a tool of power, symbolizing authority and politics. Architecture influences people by making a concrete structure which is present in the material world (Peter J. Wilston). This structure appears in a society, creating a physical base, and allowing people to form ideas. More so, this physical base allows people to further explore…