Category: Anxiety

  • Stress and Social Anxiety in Students

    According to the research done by Crisan, Vulturar, Miclea, & Miu (2016), results confirmed that social anxiety signs and symptoms had been related to elevated state tension, biased appraisals associated with the possibility and cost of poor social reviews. People behavioral adjustments in facial expression that had been constant with speech tension and decrease cortisol…

  • Benefits and Limitations in Categorical and Dimensional Approaches to Anxiety Disorders

    Benefits in using a dimensional approach also become to light when discussing diagnostic utility. Diagnostic utility can be defined as the extent to which a model is useful or helpful in assisting clinical treatment decisions (Verheul, 2005). Utility is extremely low when only considering a categorical anxiety diagnosis. In the context of treatment, each individual…

  • The Features of Childhood Anxiety

    Anxiety refers to heightened distress and withdrawal from perceived threats (Pine, 2007). There is a sense of fear and helplessness that is coupled with a somatically aroused central nervous system, which leads the danger detection system to be maladaptively engaged, making it difficult to regulate emotional responses to potentially threatening stimuli (Chua and Dolan, 2000).…

  • Why Youths Should Care about Youth Anxiety Disorder

    Intro Feeling edgy, feeling tense and worried, Chest pains, sleepless nights, these are just some symptoms of anxiety and there are more. We all at some point in our lives whether it was good or bad have had anxiety. But some has an anxiety disorder which can affect their own lives as well as affect…

  • Group Music Therapy For Psychiatric Patients With Depression And/or Anxiety

    According to a survey, constructed by the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing in 2007, nearly half of adult population (aged 16-85) experienced a mental health disorder within 12-month or lifetime period, while the most common diagnoses among mental illnesses are depression and anxiety (Tiller, 2013). Other research estimated that 39% of consumers with…

  • Anxiety Effects On Teenagers

    1 in 14 teenagers aged 13 17 experience an anxiety disorder of some sort. Thats 278 000 young people! This means the rate of anxiety levels within teenagers has risen by 53% since 2004. Have you ever stressed over a test or worried about going out with friends? These are little factors that can relate…

  • Anxiety: Signs, Types And Solutions

    What is anxiety? Anxiety is like stress. It is a fear of something that is coming in the near future. Anxiety is a totally normal thing to have, it is a natural thing that your body does, but when your anxiety last for long amounts of time and starts to affect your day to day…

  • Anxiety Versus Anxiety Disorders: Comparative Analysis

    Today, anxiety has become a widely recognized English word relatable to several panicky and uneasy moments. The reason is not farfetched as the number of people living in anxiety seems to be on a daily rise owing to different reasons from immediate family issues to several other external causes. This is why it has become…

  • Can Yoga Calm Anxiety?

    INDRODUCTION Yoga refer to a scientific scheme of physiological or intellectual practices that arised in India approximately 3000 years ago. The aims of yoga are , development of the following via strong and flexible body free of pain, a balanced autonomic neural system with all physiological systems like digestion, endocrine, functioning optimally and a calm…

  • The Level of Anxiety among Adult Patients While Waiting for Venipuncture

    From English Oxford dictionary(Stevenson, 2015) anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. The American Psychology Association defines anxiety based on Encyclopaedia of Psychology (Kazdin, 2019) as an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes. Anxiety can be a normal and expected…