Category: Antigone
Creon in Antigone: Analysis
The tragedy is named after the main character. Polyneices, brother of Antigone, the daughter of King Oedipus, betrayed his relatives Thebes, took part in the Campaign of the Seven against them, and died in the struggle with his brother Eteocles, the defender of the homeland. King Creon forbade the traitor to be buried and ordered…
Creon in the Antigone Play by Sophocles
Antigones opponent Creon is a notoriously very arrogant dictator who demands absolute loyalty from his subjects. He displays his conceit from the outset of the performance via both his words and deeds. He claims the inhabitants of Thebes as his own and uses fear to compel them to submit completely. Creon is an illustration of…
The Major Themes of the Play Antigone by Sophocles
One of the major themes of the famous play Antigone by Sophocles is the sense of justice. It is possible to note that the play focuses on such moral issue as true justice. Antigone is the agent of morality in the play as she tries to make the things right and bury her brother who…
Literature Studies: the Tragedy Antigone by Sophocles
Table of Contents Introduction How does Antigone Fit the Pattern of the Tragic Hero Conclusion Works Cited Introduction One of the reasons why there is indeed the spirit of tragism to the tragedy Antigone by Sophocles, is that the masterworks main character (Antigone) fits rather well the pattern of a tragic hero. In this paper,…
The Theme of Bravery in Antigone: Research Paper
The ancient Greeks, with their pantheon of gods, had deep religious convictions that reinforced many values we continue to hold sacred today, such as honor and loyalty to family and loved ones. Bravery was typically measured by ones performance in battle or their ability to stand up to strange mythological monsters. However, there remains a…
Suicide and Homicide in Sophocles Antigone and Electra
Introduction Sophocles, who is usually considered one of the best minds of his time, was an influential person in Athens and was elected to important government posts. He was also famous in the literature field, having written 123 works, of which only seven have survived, including the tragedy Antigone. Sophocles managed to create a work…
Sophocles Antigone: Cause & Effect Essay
There are many instances in the novel Antigone that shows the relationship of cause and effect. It is particularly important to recognize such causes and effects for they are simply the highlights of the novel itself. Theses causes and effects are what makes up the novel and without them, the novel will not be worth…
The Curse vs. Antigone: Compare & Contrast
Table of Contents Introduction Two oppositions The main tragedy of the play The State is the King The Nature overcomes the Law The Curse Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Antigone by Sophocles is a story about family relations, pride, and death, reason, and passion. The play acquires significance in the development of European consciousness since it…
The Role of Women in Antigone by Sophocles
Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The debate on whether some jobs are preserved for men and others for women continues in society as critics and adherents try to prove their points. Among them is Sophocles, the playwright, who technically pictures a variety of womens roles. Antigone is one of his masterworks,…
Antigone by Sophocles: Antigone and Creon Characters
Character and motivation of Antigone and Creon In the play, Antigone is mainly motivated by love for her family, respect for the gods, and belief in the afterlife. When she is faced with a difficult choice concerning new law, which challenges Theban traditions, she opts to disobey because of her great affection to her family…