Category: Animals

  • Behaviour and Welfare of Geriatric Cats

    Introduction The meaning of Animal welfare is how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives. It can simply define as well being of animals. Among them, pet animal welfare is very important. Cats are popular companion animals in the world. Cats that are housed exclusively indoors generally live long and healthy…

  • Modernisation and Westernisation of the ‘Japanese’ in Natsume Soseki’s Sanshiro and I Am a Cat

    It is impossible to define the Japanese as purely Japanese. In this essay, I will explore how the Western cultural influence during the Meiji restoration from (1868 – 1889) and the Meiji era (1968 – 1912) of Japan (Weir, 2000) has affected and merged with traditional Japan. Thus creating a country of multi-layered culture, that…

  • Public Health Risks Associated with Cat Faeces in Public Places 

    As the Veterinary Officer in Dublin City Council, you are asked to explain to the general public, the public health risks associated with cat feces in public places Introduction The Litter Pollution Act 1997, Section 22, enforces the law regarding dog soiling in public areas. These laws are enforced by Dublin City Councils Litter Warden…

  • From Wildcat to House Cat: The Domestication of the Cat

    Cats are one of the most popular house pets on the planet. They can adapt to small living spaces, such as apartments, and are relatively easy to care for. Cats also rule the internet; they are present in many memes, and cat videos are one of the most prevalent videos on YouTube. The question, however,…

  • The Competitive Environmental Forces of The San Antonio Zoo

    The competitive environmental forces for San Antonio Zoo are largely from the local leisure industry. Notable competitors include Fiesta Texas, SeaWorld, and Doseum. However, the firm is in a relatively less competitive environment due to the nature of its operations. In this regard, the unique features of the zoo give it an upper hand in…

  • What Is a Cat: Information Essay

    The domestic cat is now the worlds most popular pet, but cats were not always tame. The relationship between humans and cats began in the Near East about 10,000 years ago, when cats killed the rodents that ate grain stored in towns and villages. They were kept as pets in Egypt from about 2000 BCE,…

  • The Painful Experiences of Animals in The Zoos

    Imagine a wild animal, for example an elephant. It has all the freedom in the world. Suddenly, the elephant is trapped and taken away from its family. It is put in a small crate, unable to move, starving, and alone for what seems like years. When the elephant is finally let out, all it can…

  • Zoos are Bad for the Animals, Theyre Only For Us

    Are zoos really created for what people think they do; conserve, research and education? Zoos have been around for a very long time since the 18th century, and I assume that you have either visited the zoo, heard of one, or seen one, at least once in your life. Personally, I strongly believe that the…

  • How to Take Care of a Cat: Essay

    Our pets are not just our animals, they are part of our families. No matter which one you have, a dog, a cat, a bird, etc., they make us feel loved because their love is pure and kind. Therefore, the best way to give them back part of that love is to take good care…

  • Essay on Animal Cloning

    Introduction Cloning is a scientific process that has been around for over a hundred years. When one thinks of a clone and the techniques used to create them, it often seems like something out of science fiction. Not many realize that cloning has been happening naturally for millions of years, such as in identical twins…