Category: Animal Farm

  • Hidden Faults of a Communist Rule in Animal Farm by George Orwell

    One of human’s biggest failures is our negligence to abuse of power and control. Manipulation of others by a person with authority for their own personal gain is a form of abusive power and control. The novel highlights the hidden faults of communist rule as well as the inevitable return of a totalitarianism-based society. Animal…

  • Animal Farm: Character Analysis

    Introduction The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages is preserved into perpetuity by a nation’s fables. these words by William Feather give us an answer as to why Animal Farm has stood the test of time? It is because the morals portrayed by each character is still relevant today. George Orwell…

  • Critical Analysis of Animal Farm by George Orwell

    Animal Farm is a novel written by way of George Orwell which was the pen title of Eric Blair, a British novelist and an essayist whose pointed reactions of political mistreatment impelled him into unmistakable satisfaction toward the center of the twentieth century. He was once born on June 25th, 1903, and died on January…

  • Animal Farm As a Dark Satire on the Corrupting Influence of Power: Book Review

    Animal Farm , an allegorical novel, by George Orwell is based in a world where animals are much smarter than they are in the real world and where they could communicate with animals other than their own species as well. The plot is based on a farm named ‘The Manor Farm’ in England which is…

  • Totalitarian Regimes In Fahrenheit 451 And Animal Farm

    Does our society comprehend the great significance behind dystopian literature and what it symbolises? Fahrenheit 451 and George Orwells Animal Farm are microcosms into multiple totalitarian regimes. Fahrenheit 451 was written as an indictment of totalitarian governments and the restrictions they put on humanity. Both Orwell and Bradbury have created societies that are both controlled…

  • George Orwells Animal Farm As A Political Satire Of The Russian Revolution

    Mr Jones is the first character we are introduced to who represents the Tsar, Nicholas II (1868-1918), the last Russian emperor. During Nicholas II reign of 1894-1917, the people of Russian encountered terrible poverty and upheaval. This was marked when unarmed protesters demanding social reforms were shot down by the army near Nicholas’ palace known…

  • Literary Devices And Their Role In Animal Farm

    Animal Farm is an allegorical story with a very powerful underlying message but it does not rely entirely on historical context for narrative power, I read Animal Farm without any knowledge of the Russian Revolution and although it was confusing at first, I was still able to understand there was underlying meaning as well as…

  • A Multiple Analysis of the Novels The Little Prince and Animal Farm

    The Little Prince The Little Prince, a novella for children, was published in the United States in the year 1943, several years after its author Antoine de Saint-Exupery died. Today, it is one of the most promising French literary pieces ever written. Antoine de Saint-Exupery who was a skilled aviator started writing the book in…

  • The Use of Satire in Gullivers Travels and Animal Farm

    The genre of satire has served as a useful tool throughout history, in literature and the general arts, to indirectly bring attention to the shortcomings of humanity and more often the government as well as to effect political or social change, or to prevent it. It is certainly traditionally a passive aggressive tool, but is…

  • Equality VS Reality: An Exploration Of Animal Farm

    Animal Farm, an allegorical novel written by George Orwell in 1945, tells the story of a group of personified animals who, after rebelling against their previous owner, attempt to create their own autonomous government system in which all of the animals become equal, happy, and – most importantly – free. A metaphor for Soviet Russia,…