Category: Animal Abuse

  • Save Animals: Experimentation Should Be Stopped

    Introduction The aspects and consequences of animal testing are debatable issues in todays world. While some believe that animal experimentation ensures human safety, others think that such an approach should be eliminated. This paper provides arguments for the latter position and presents supporting claims in detail. The report addresses statistical data and the outcomes of…

  • Using Animals in Medical Experiments

    Abstract This paper explores how the principles of the character-based ethical approach can be applied to the discussion of using animals in the medical research as well as in laboratory experiments. The specific type of the character-based ethical approach that is applied to the topic in the paper is constructive Christian proposal offered by Donna…

  • Animal Testing: Use of Animal in Biomedical Research

    Table of Contents Introduction Reasons for Using Animals in Biochemical Research Reasons against Using Animals in Biomedical Research Conclusion Works Cited Introduction For over 100 years, animal testing in biomedical research played an important key role in many of the medical and scientific studies. Thanks to advances in animal research, people across the globe are…

  • Scientific Experiments on Animals from Ethical Perspectives

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Summary of Findings The Three Arguments for the Opinion Discussion Conclusion References Abstract This paper discusses the controversial topic of using animals in cruel scientific experiments. Three ethical approaches are considered, namely the consequentialist perspective, the Kantian deontological view, and Donna Yarris Christian character-based perception. Strengths and weaknesses of each…

  • Lab Experiment on Animals Taste or Smell Senses

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Discussion Methods Conclusion References Abstract All animals depend on their taste or smell senses, as functionality for locating and choosing food  whether the foods are animal, plant or other compounds. This function is made possible by chemoreceptors, which are located at the taste buds of the tongue, especially, for…

  • The Animal Testing Problem

    Table of Contents Introduction Animal Testing Issue Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The animal testing problem raises the question of whether it is ethical and necessary. It has been done for years by scientists and physicians. From testing cosmetics to biomedical studies, they claim that animal testing provides people with opportunities to save lives or satisfy…

  • Animal Testing: The Notion of the 21st Century Cruelty

    When speaking of the context of the 21st century, the notions of cruelty and violence do not seem to fit there, considering all the positive changes taking place around. However, while the vast majority of people take care of their environment, others desperately look for a way to exploit everything around them. One of the…

  • Is Animal Testing Ethical: Essay Example

    Contents Is Animal Testing Ethical: Essay Introduction Animal Testing Ethical Essay: Use of Animal Fur Animal Testing Ethical Essay: Research vs Using for Food Animal Testing Ethical Essay: Inflicting Pain on the Animals Is Animal Testing Moral: Essay Conclusion References Is Animal Testing Ethical: Essay Introduction Inflicting pain upon others has become a source of…

  • Ethics: Experiments on Animals

    Introduction Experimenting on human has been done several times especially in the US. Philosophers believe that it is not good to carry experiments on human beings. Human beings should be treated as an end not as a means to an end. Kant claimed to have a solid reasoning behind it. Most examples which are of…

  • The Animal Cruelty Issue and Its Causes

    Table of Contents Introduction Motivation for Animal Cruelty Corporal Punishment Main Solution Conclusion References Introduction Animal cruelty has always been a critical issue, not only in science, where animals are experimented on but also in everyday life. Many people do not even think about the torture inflicted on animals and how painful it may be.…