Category: Amy Tan

  • Essay on American Literature: Critical Analysis of Amy Tan’s Works

    Literature is an ocean in which the greatest thoughts have been cultured like the most profound wisdom of the ages. The source of all literary thought is life with all its manifold complexities and dimensions. The literary landscape has been continually growing and flourishing through the interaction of various schools of thought and disciplines. The…

  • Rules of the Game by Amy Tan Analysis

    In Rules of the Game Amy Tan helps to understand that when trying to obtain independence, patience to experience growth can hinder any obstructions from stalling this sought-after element of growing up. By the end of the story, Waverly recognizes that she had nowhere to go and was not running away from anything,(507). She didnt…

  • The Joy Luck Club: Critical Analysis Essay

    Through the novel, The Joy Luck Club, the author Amy Tan conveys the importance of finding joy and luck in the darkest of times. As mentioned in Feathers From A Thousand Li Away, the four mothers, who experienced their own trials and went through much pain, came together in Kwelin and held parties to try…

  • Critical Analysis of Amy Tan’s Story Rules of the Games

    Amy Tan is a Chinese American writer and novelist, whose works explore mother-daughter relationships and the Chinese-American experience. Her story. Rules of the games is partly inspired by the stories of her own family. In this story, Amy Tan uses chess as a tool of symbolism to show the damage caused by toxic, controlling relationships…

  • Immigration and Cultural Identity in Amy Tan’s Mother Tongue

    United States has embraced of the most diverse population in the world today. It is diverse in terms of its ethnic makeup and religious practices for immigrants. Immigrants from different nation congregate upon the United States in Seeking for a better life for family or simple to fulfill a long-life dream. Therefore, we discover the…

  • Representation of American and Chinese Cultures in the Novels of Amy Tan: Analytical Essay

    The first quarter of the book, Feathers from a Thousand Li Away, primarily focuses on four Chinese mothers, and their past lives. In the first chapter, The Joy Luck Club, the narrator, Jing-Mei Woo, describes her late mother, Suyuan Woo, who has died of an aneurysm. She recounts the story of her mothers past from…

  • Critical Analysis of Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club

    The third quarter of the book, American Translation, explores the stories of the four daughters. In Rice Husband, Lena St. Clair discusses her deteriorating marriage with her husband Harold. From the beginning of their courtship, the two had always split things–money, chores, etc. Lena doesnt fully realize how detrimental her relationship is until her mother…

  • Essay on American Literature: Critical Analysis of Amy Tan’s Works

    Literature is an ocean in which the greatest thoughts have been cultured like the most profound wisdom of the ages. The source of all literary thought is life with all its manifold complexities and dimensions. The literary landscape has been continually growing and flourishing through the interaction of various schools of thought and disciplines. The…

  • Rules of the Game by Amy Tan Analysis

    In Rules of the Game Amy Tan helps to understand that when trying to obtain independence, patience to experience growth can hinder any obstructions from stalling this sought-after element of growing up. By the end of the story, Waverly recognizes that she had nowhere to go and was not running away from anything,(507). She didnt…

  • The Joy Luck Club: Critical Analysis Essay

    Through the novel, The Joy Luck Club, the author Amy Tan conveys the importance of finding joy and luck in the darkest of times. As mentioned in Feathers From A Thousand Li Away, the four mothers, who experienced their own trials and went through much pain, came together in Kwelin and held parties to try…