Category: American History

  • Morse Code in Civil War: Informative Essay

    Introduction: The Civil War was a pivotal moment in American history, characterized by technological advancements that shaped the way battles were fought. One such innovation was the use of Morse code, a revolutionary communication system that played a significant role in military operations during the war. In this informative essay, we will explore the origins…

  • Essay on Rebellion and Conformity

    Beginning in the nineteenth century, the literature of addiction emerged amongst writers of the Beat movement, whose adherents willingly rejected their inclusion in the Postwar American facade of unity and happiness. William S. Burroughs, along with Allen Ginsburg and Jack Kerouac, were perceived as literary outlaws because of their experimental writing methods. Interestingly, Burroughs and…

  • Trail of Tears Experience Essay

    An event involving the man whose presidency was known as the Age of the Common Man led to the darkest period in American history. Throughout the years of colonizing and claiming new areas, the people who were the initial settlers in what is now known as the United States of America were wrongfully removed. This…

  • Critical Analysis of Economic Consequences of the Great Depression

    The public banking ferial termination the continued banking crisis, enter to renew the generals confidence in banks and the saving, and unpracticed a revival from April through September 1933. President Roosevelt came into office design a New Deal for Americans, but his advisers believed, mistakenly, that exorbitant contention had led to overproduction, causing the depression.…

  • Westward Expansion and Slavery Essay

    Secondly, expansion westward to an extent can also be attributed to a legitimate need for more space, whether that be space for white settlers to live in, or an area to expand into to increase economic growth. Certainly, there were calls for expansion into the fertile west to increase plantations and the economic growth of…

  • Essay on Progressive Era Vs Gilded Age

    There can be no real political democracy unless something is approaching an economic democracy. (Theodore Roosevelt). The first point that needs to be discussed is what exactly economic democracy means. In simplified terms, it is the philosophy according to which the power of forming decisions should be transferred from industrial capitalists or corporate managers into…

  • Essay on American History Our Hope for the Future

    The US sees itself as a unique country and as a city upon a hill, which means the U.S. sees itself as a beacon of hope because it accepts everyone which is in a way unique compared to other countries. The U.S. was at one point a new country with a clean slate. The U.S.…

  • Discursive Essay on the essence of Manifest Destiny

    The United States was growing in its influence on nations all over the world but originally exerted their way of life and beliefs during the colonization of America. This exertion continued to the twentieth century but took another form over time. Now, Americas influence on other nations economies and societies, although very similar to Manifest…

  • Analysis of Factors Facilitating the Idea of Westward Expansion

    Prior to the Civil War, creations such as the steel plow fostered economic change, endorsing higher profits for wheat and corn, hence boosting the Southern industry. Although all seemed to progress during this time, the South re-entered their deteriorating substandard society following the events of the Civil war, annihilating their once-prosperous economy. As slavery continued…

  • Research Paper on Causes and Consequences of Attack on Pearl Harbor

    The United States was never gonna join the war, Americas job was to only supply Great Britain with money and equipment to fight Hilter and his Blitzkrieg. When the war started on September 1, 1939, it sent the world into chaos, the United States was safe from Hiters army and was not going to get…