Category: American History
Child Labour During the Progressive Era Essay
In 1896, Westell Willoughby stated, There are in the individual no so-called innate or natural rights, that is, such rights as exist independently of the State and beyond its control. In so far as the individual has claims upon his fellows to a non-interference upon their part with the free exercise of certain outward acts,…
History of Voting in America
Voting is one of the most important things you can do as an American citizen. It is an extremely special thing that we often take for granted. Voting is not just a right that we have. It is an opportunity to make a difference in our countrys politics and perhaps the course of American history.…
Letter from Birmingham Jail’: Argumentative Essay
My conscience wont let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? … they didnt put any dogs on me, they didnt rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. & Shoot them…
Essay on William Howard Taft in Progressive Era
As the Reconstruction period approached an end by the late 1890s, urbanization was rapidly expanding throughout the industrial regions in the United States. Despite the advantages of urbanization such as advanced technologies and a growing market, the disadvantages were also apparent in every part of the cities. These disadvantages include political corruption influenced by large…
Essay on Was Manifest Destiny Justified
How, and with what success, has the United States justified political interventions in Latin America? (1500 words) Latin America was rich with raw materials, opportunities, land, and trade routes to link certain parts of the world together. (Livingstone,2013)Thus, making Latin America somewhere the US could greatly benefit from. This essay will discuss and analyze how…
Main Goal of Reconstruction and Its Achievement
The Reconstruction era was a period throughout American history in which lasted about 14 years, the main purpose of the Reconstruction was to help the South become part of the North again. President Lincoln’s plan was to make it easy for the Southern states to rejoin the Union stating that if 10% of the voters…
Massive Change in the United States from 1865 to 1945
The end of the bloodiest war in United States history brought about a new Reconstructive era forcing massive political, social and economic changes in the following 80 years to come. Political changes quickly followed with the addition and ratification of the 13th Amendment of the United States. Socially, change abruptly started with the organization of…
5 Paragraph Essay on Theodore Roosevelt and How He Changed the Progressive Era
Theodore Roosevelt, the twenty-sixth president of the United States of America. A fine educated and athletic man. Known to be the second youngest president of the United States of America behind John F. Kennedy. Was recognized for being a man on a mission even though he might not have known he was on a mission…
US History: Critical Essay on American Revolution
The stories of soldiers’ experiences during battle have changed drastically as the years have progressed. However, despite the many wars America has faced, the American Revolution was a specifically unique period. The nature of the American Revolution could be described as a freedom fight; a colonial revolt. A perfect example of this would be a…
Imperialism of the United States
After winning independence from Britain and becoming a country of its own, America was determined to remain neutral from the political conflicts of other nations. They were especially motivated to adopt a different foreign policy than that of Great Britain, their former oppressor. America thereafter became an isolationist nation. The war of 1812 however, was…