Category: Albert Camus
The Philosophy Of Absurdism On The Examples Of The Settings In The Novel The Outsider By Albert Camus
The Outsider by Albert Camus challenges the readers opinions through a philosophical perspective on the meaning of life, and absurdist outlooks within a diverse range of settings throughout the novel. Meursault, the protagonist of the story, is represented as an emotionally repressive, misunderstood and unaffected individual who holds the value of indifference and triviality towards…
Representation of Camuss Idea of the Absurd through the Story of Sisyphus: Analytical Essay
According to Albert Camus, the Absurd is mans impossible search for meaning in life arising from our desire to understand the world and our existence but never being able to. Camus expands upon this idea by stating that the only response to the absurdity of life is Revolt and not suicide. In this essay, I…
Analysis of Albert Camus’ Idea of the Absurd in the Context of Physicians’ Professional Activity
Viktor Frankyl, a holocaust survivor recounts his time in Aushwitz in his book, Mans Search for Meaning. He found that while himself and others suffered through one of the greatest tribulations in history, they were still able to find meaning among the suffering and thus were building resilience against ungodly misery. Frankyl believed that by…