Category: Aging

  • Physiology of Stress and Its Effects on Aging Process



    Table of Contents Introduction Stress and Adversity in Aging Physiology of Stress and Its Effects on the Aging Process Conclusion References Introduction Human life expectancy has continuously increased in the past two centuries, closing in global aging. Multiple losses, such as financial, psychological, personal, health-related, and loss of autonomy, cognition, and functionality, have contributed to…

  • The Role of Nurses in Promoting Healthy Aging



    Nurses are medical professionals who closely and frequently interact with older people. They are often working as primary care providers at institutions for aged people, particularly when older individuals require medical assistance. Consequently, these representatives of healthcare organizations have a vital role in improving and enhancing their fitness (Golinowska et al., 2016). Furthermore, they are…

  • Aging: The Bio-Ecological Model of Development



    Table of Contents Introduction The Variety of Age Perceptions Age- and History-Graded Influences Bronfenbrenners Bio-Ecological Theory of Human Development Conclusion References Introduction The concept of age has now been discussed on many levels and from a variety of angles to discover whether there really is a possibility to define one properly. Although the vast majority…

  • Personal Experience and Reflections on Aging



    Aging and experiences of aging are indispensable ingredients of the self. Most young people and adults have thought about aging at least once in a lifetime. Adults are more prone to think about aging than their younger counterparts (Steverink, Westerhof, Bode & Dittmann-Kohli, 2001). Simultaneously, self-conceptions predetermine how adults approach and cope with their aging…

  • Telomere Theory of Aging



    Table of Contents Telomere Theory Classification Rationale Conclusion References Telomere Theory Classification The telomere theory of aging completely changed the way researchers approach the process of aging. In studies of different populations, it has been found that as people get old, they have shorter telomeres, which eventually leads to the inability of cells to replicate.…

  • Aspects of Polypharmacy and Aging



    Table of Contents Introduction Polypharmacy Care Management Conclusion References Introduction Most people start complaining about distress and pain when getting older. Trying to recover their health, the elderly consult different doctors and take various pharmaceuticals. Very often they forget the number of the pills they have already taken or decide to take some more if…

  • Healthy Aging and Diet: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices



    Methodology Aim and Objectives The aim of the study is to describe the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of older adults regarding the role of diet in healthy aging. To reach the aim of the study, the following objectives are set: To assess the older adults knowledge on the role of diet in healthy living; To…

  • Overview of Aging Concepts and Controversies



    Table of Contents Introduction Body Conclusion Reference Introduction The American society is concerned with the growing population of elderly individuals and how to help them practice successful aging. Moreover, modern society especially the American society views aging as something that should be either denied or concealed. However, according to Moody (2010), society should put in…

  • Aging Issues and Challenges the Elderly Face



    Table of Contents Lifestyle Health Mental Abilities Memory and Problem-solving Support Systems Retirement Government Support Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Elderly References Individuals in the contemporary world are living much longer and therefore, many of them experience aging and the issues associated with it. The improved living conditions and good health services are the reasons…

  • The Old Age: Description on TV Programs



    Old age is an issue that almost every person eventually has to face in their life. Even though sometimes the aged are depicted as senile and debilitated by the media, many of them still retain much energy. To find out how elderly people are depicted on TV, we viewed three different TV shows (two American…