Category: Aging

  • The Normal Aging Process and Its Genetic Basis

    When a person ages, their skin becomes less smooth and firm, body parts begin to ache, muscles lose their strength, and other issues like forgetfulness or inability to do daily activities with ease may appear. Overall, since it is impossible for all living creatures to avoid aging, peoples purpose is to age healthily. Various factors,…

  • Aging Population: A Relevant Problem of the Future

    Table of Contents Introduction Applying Social Science Conclusion Reference Introduction Due to the exponential growth of the population experienced in the 20th century, the number of people worldwide is at its historical peak. Currently, the world population has almost reached 8 billion people, but due to multiple governments actions, the growth is predicted to slow…

  • Survey Analysis of Aging People Willing to Live Over 100 Years

    The length of human life has focused on aging and specialist research due to the population aging occurrence. Reaching 100 years of age is becoming increasingly frequent, particularly in wealthy countries, and some people will even survive to be over 100. However, this study will focus on survey analysis of aging people willing or not…

  • The Issues of Aging Population

    Over the past few decades, the birth rate in the world has been steadily declining while life expectancy has been growing. The aging population is one of four global demographic trends, along with population growth, international migration, and urbanization, which have a long-term impact on the development of the world. In the case where such…

  • Aging Out of Foster Care

    Introduction and Review of Past Literature Foster care recipients often face the risks of adverse life outcomes and health issues of different nature, so foster care systems are to create the best possible circumstances to support such citizens healthy physical, emotional, and psychosocial development. However, aging out of foster care can sometimes reveal the presence…

  • Pakistan Aging Profile: Increase in Old Peoples Population

    Table of Contents Introduction Dependency Ratio Population Pyramid of Pakistan Conclusion Works cited Introduction The worlds population has grown very fast. Early developments indicated that developed countries had the fastest-growing number of older people. However, the trend has picked up in less developed countries of the world as well. By the year 2050, it is…

  • The Concept of Aging and Its Factors

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference Introduction People aged 65 and over comprise a very diverse population, with some reporting excellent health, prosperity, and contentment, while others experience poverty, physical impairment, and loneliness. Youth and middle-life experiences influence the rate of aging. Similar to other developed economies, the United States citizenry is aging far…

  • Aging Population: Contemporary Issue

    Table of Contents Aging Population Measures of Aging Population Conclusion Works Cited With changing and evolving time, human demographics such as age, gender, population density, mortality rates and even birth rates have changed. Some of these changes have been for the benefit on the society, while some can prove to be extremely harmful. The fluctuation…

  • Aging and Retirement Reference Brochure

    Population aging is a global problem that is estimated to be at its worst. The United Nations (2004) echoes this by stating that in the history of mankind the world has never seen an aged population as the one existing currently. To this end, the United Nations has predicted that there will be increased aging…

  • Old Age Limits on Driving Privileges

    Attentiveness and response to circumstances are said to significantly vary with age. Older people are characterized by a slower response to circumstances as compared to younger individuals. Research has established that the older category of people is not likely to register a response as fast as young people would. The function of the brain that…