Category: African American
African American Women Struggle: Phenomenological Approach
This research takes a qualitative interpretative phenomenology approach to study the barriers that African-American women face when obtaining higher education. Scholars have concluded that the challenges that the target group faces are vast; however, there is not enough attention given to the problem in the social studies field. Phenomenology was established by Edmund Husserl initially…
Religion and Its Role Among African Americans
Religion is subjective and plays different roles for varying groups of people. Some individuals practice religion because of family traditions and others because of their strong belief in the afterlife. The difference in such factors leads to variations in how worshiping affects peoples lives. For African Americans, religion has had many implications in terms of…
Civil Rights for African Americans: Evolution From the Civil War to Today
Table of Contents Introduction Post-War Period: A Step to Freedom Recent History: The Abolition of Segregation and Equality Conclusion References Introduction The history of American slavery is full of ambiguities, which manifested themselves in various social issues and, in particular, affected the civil rights of the African American population. The Civil War was a turning…
Freedom of African Americans in the Southern States
Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction The history of the United States is tightly connected to the attempts to diminish the existing disparities in society. One of the principal directions of the governments actions was the abolition of slavery in the southern states of the country. However, such measures did not provide…
Cultural Identity Formation of Black Americans and African Americans
Culture plays an important role in understanding diverse populations (Betancourt & Lopez, 1993) and in making sense of the complexities of human psychology, feeling, cognition and behavior, and interactions between people and their environment. People from different racial or ethnic groups or cultures have different or varying interpretations of self and others and the interconnectedness…
The Issue of Class Oppression Among African Americans
The years of slavery in the USA provoked a lot of social problems and contradictions which were not resolved even after the years of the Civil War. During the period of slavery, it was typical to speak about the opposition between whites and blacks. The end of slavery resulted in revealing a new conflict which…
African Americans Stereotypes and Prejudices
From the 16th century, African American people were facing racial discrimination. As they had a different color of skin, they were treated unfavorably and even violently. With the course of time, the situation changed but still a lot of aspects are to be improved. Even though slavery was abolished more than a century ago, people…
The African American Soldiers in the American Revolution
Slaves in America constituted close to a fifth of the population by 1776. According to Anderson and Stewart (1), the American and European economies were vastly developed using African-American slaves who were bought and sold in well established slave markets. These slaves were mainly deployed in plantation farms to work as manual laborers while others…
Civil Rights Struggle of African Americans
Introduction The civil rights struggle of African Americans began much earlier than it got its name. Despite the negative attitude towards slavery and inequality among many American leaders, the implementation of the principle laid down in the Declaration of Independence, that all men are born equal, was postponed several times until Kennedy did not send…
African Americans: Participation in the Civil War
According to Olivia Mahoney In 1776, slaves composed forty percent of the population of the colonies from Maryland south to Georgia, but well below ten percent in the colonies to the North, (p. 41) hence the North failed to develop slavery as successfully as the South did. Meanwhile, the need for slaves grew rapidly the…