Category: About Myself

  • Self Assessment Portfolio

    Introduction Throughout the duration of term, the predominate focus has been on sports psychology and the mental blocking aspects that affect an athletes performance. Physically, enhancing and improving tennis abilities has been the primary data putting the theoretical concepts into application being used as the primary data for this folio. Firstly, as a novice tennis…

  • The Role Of Self-reflection In Learning And Development

    Self-evaluation is a necessary part of learning and development for any individual. When I look at my own career path and self-reflection, I consider how I would assess myself. I asked myself what my strengths and weaknesses are. By doing this I can identify what I need to work on and improve but also what…

  • How Soccer Changed My Life

    It was in October of 2006 when I played my first soccer game. it was my first time playing on a pitch in front of a ton of people, It was a very exciting but scary moment because I didnt know whats gonna happen or what to do. I played my best. The game went…

  • Halloween As My Favorite Holiday

    It was the month of my favorite holiday, Halloween, the only time of the year where accepting candy from strangers is ok. This story was back when I was a child, around 8 or 9, and was about to go outside to play with my friends. As I headed out, I was amazed with joy,…

  • The Peculiarities of African Cultural Identity

    It is unfair to define African identity, without drawing the attention on cultural identity in its broad and narrow sense. According to Ndubuisi, cultural identity can be understood as a ‘geo-political and socio-cultural entity’ (Ndubuisi 2). That is to say, as Poole puts it in his book Nation and Identity, ‘It may well be that…

  • What Does It Mean To Be American To Immigrant?

    I live in the United States, so I call America home. However, it would not have been home if it were not for my parents. 5 years ago, my parents told me about their journey to America. According to my parents, about 20 years ago they arrived at the United States to start a new…

  • Self-Assessment Of All The Academic Writing Skills And Crucial Academic Competencies Learnt In Class

    I was more drawn to communication as a skill and critical thinking. With supporting course goals which are; to develop own voice, style and sense, to read texts carefully for analysis as well as to learn them to advance my exploring ability of own ideas on any topic, and finally to develop critical thinking skills…

  • Why I Choose Paramedic Science As A Career Path

    From a young age, I have been exceptionally interested in the science of saving lives. Paramedic Science is undeniably fascinating in every aspect; interacting with people from a diverse range of cultures, with a variety of different life experiences. I also recognise that this is a highly challenging occupation that will push me mentally and…

  • Cultural Self-assessment

    My Culture is my identity and undoubtedly, my personality. It not only gives me spiritual, intellectual but also emotional divergence from others. Culture is the shared characteristics of a group of people based on either religion, language, music, literature, or geographical land. A culture may be small or extensive, however, each culture can teach us…

  • My Cultural Identity in New Zealand

    INTRODUCTION Culture is the main source of influence when it comes to perspectives, values, decisions and choices. Every country has its own distinctive beliefs, ways of thinking and manner of doing things, all of these peculiar factors put together is what makes up a countrys culture identity. Living in a multicultural country, we meet different…