Category: 1960s

  • Marriages Today Differ From Marriages Form The 60s: Gay Marriage

    General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience that marriages today differ from marriages from the 60s. Central Idea: Marriages of todays time are a lot different from the way they were in the 60s. Introduction I. Attention Material A. When you think of the 60s, your most likely things about afros, barbie…

  • Thoughts on Why Animation in the 1960s Was Extremely Vibrant

    Vibrant can be defined in a few different ways, one can describe vibrant as pulsating with life, vigor, or activity (Marriam Webster, 2021), whilst anothers definition of the word is an adjective of sounds that are strong and resonating or colors that are bright and striking (Cambridge Dictionary, 2021). This essay will be focusing on…

  • Essay about Songs of the 1960s

    The 1960s was the time of revolution. A lot was happening in the world, but especially in the United States. The 60s was the decade of revolutions in politics, society, civil rights, war, and music. During the 60s, people protested for the civil rights movement, race equality, and womens rights. Sociologist Daniel Bell stated that…

  • The Invention of the Internet: An Essay

    The suppression of knowledge and learning which took place in the Middle Ages (500 AD to 1450 AD), which then led to the discovery of inventions. The discovery of inventions changed our world. Inventions were made for the benefit of the people and to develop the world. Inventions made by humans play a significant role…

  • Relationship between Atheism, Conservative Religion and Politics Up to and Including the 1960s

    In 18th and 19th century England, atheists were called infidels or blasphemers, as the majority of Christians who criticized religion viewed themselves as free thinkers, as atheism was a term rarely used. Atheists such as Richard Carlile and George Jacob Holyoake were seen as dangerous, their religious views spilling into politics. Both imprisoned for blasphemy…

  • Positive Effects of the Cold War

    Cold War Advancement War is not necessarily bad, it also has its good sides. There is such a war in history. It has no flames and no soldiers died. That is the Cold War, a game between the two great powers of the United States and the Soviet Union. The two great powers have raised…

  • Pop Culture Music 1960’s Protest Music Essay

    Music has more influence over large groups of people than any other cultural product. With the power to unify, bridge, build, or protest, music can connect large groups of people to transform values, patterns, and habits. With the ability to provide an incredibly comprehensive framework to package and present a viewpoint or an idea, music…

  • What Were the Cold War Fears of the American? Essay

    In early 2018, in the idyllic southern English city of Salisbury, two Russian citizens Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia fell dangerously ill. After extensive investigation, the British government accused Russia of using a type of Novichok, which it said was developed by the Soviet Union, to poison the Skripals. Russia has vehemently denied these…

  • Essay on Counter Culture Civil Rights Movement

    The 1960s: The counterculture strikes back. Our first reading summarises the 1960s, an epoch marked by a momentous transition. Denoted as one of the most tumultuous and divisive decades, it is defined by the historical actions of the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, political assassinations, anti-war marches, and the emergence of the generational gap.[…

  • Essay on 1960s Counterculture Fashion

    When you ask a person, what comes to mind when they think back to the 1960s, the most common answers are; Hippies, Drugs, The Beatles, and the weird vibrant clothes. Among other things, fashion seems to be what sticks in peoples heads. Many icons from that era were known mainly for their style, such as…