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The Bible interprets sexuality and sex as the biological basis for the love attraction of a man and a woman. Physical compatibility is crucial despite the importance of emotional attachment and platonic love between two people. The more compatibility factors people have in a union, the higher the likelihood that their partnership will develop into an official marriage. Subsequently, the intense passion expressed through biological signs gives offspring nurtured in parental affection and care. Sexuality is a biological and corporeal reflection of divinely given emotions and feelings. The harmony of this aspect and the transition from ethics to biology surprised me. The Bible describes the psychological aspects of sexuality through attachment and emotional dependence. A general analysis of these psychological aspects makes it clear that the Bible does not separate sex and love. In addition, the most crucial part of sex and sexuality is manifestations of dedication to a partner and a willingness to create comfortable conditions for them. Sexuality is always giving and never selfish regarding the followers of Christ. Sexual satisfaction is a good way of showing love, respect, and affection. The most crucial aspect here is fidelity since Christianity justly condemns fornication. Sexuality, coupled with loyalty, is Gods gift for lovers who want to start a family and be with each other for a long time.
The Christian worldview identifies God as the source of authority and inspiration for those who want to become part of His eternal kingdom. Believers need to remain committed, follow Gods commandments, and avoid engaging in evil deeds or thoughts. This understanding supports a wide range of peoples philosophies and theologies. Human beings rely on Biblical principles to analyze issues of sexuality, love, and sex in an effort to lead harmonious lives. Those who ignore Gods teachings on the subject will have increased chances of becoming sinners, thereby being unable to remain upright in His eyes. The described theology of sexuality entails the promotion of affection and respect through the lens of heterosexuality, avoiding cultural influences and fornication, and living harmoniously to achieve spiritual goals in life.
Sexuality and Sex
The Bible presents numerous passages and examples to support the notion that sexuality is a critical aspect of human life. The first sin, commonly called the Fall, presents a uniquely Christian view that examines human beings initial disobedience against God. The move to go against Gods word would become the source of most of the challenges in the world. The relationship between the Fall and sex is a widely studied subject in the Christian world. In Genesis 3:11, the reader observes that Adam realized that he had become naked after eating the forbidden fruit. This information describes how Christians should relate to their God and follow His commandments. Balswick and Balswick (2019) reveal that the Fall portrays unique guilt that man continues to transmit from one generation to the next through sexual intercourse. Consequently, it becomes quite clear that sex is an important gift for Christians.
In the book of Hebrews, the Bible indicates that marriage should never be defiled since God will be ready to punish adulterous and immoral individuals (13:4). This message reveals that sexuality and sex are unique attributes that God designed to determine peoples romantic relationships. People who chose to live with each other and procreate will be doing so in accordance with Gods plan. For instance, the Bible records how God said to Man: Increase and multiply and fill the Earth (Genesis 1:25). The Bible goes further to encourage people to have complete dominion and engage in actions that can eventually benefit their children (Graybill, 2020). These passages show conclusively that God intended human beings to have full control over their own bodies. However, the Christian belief system requires them to engage in actions and sexual pursuits that are acceptable and righteous.
Understanding Sexuality and Sex
Scholars and analysts have examined the question of sexuality from diverse perspectives, including that of Christianity. Graybill (2020) indicates that people need to talk about these topics since they have significant implications for their lives and the subsequent development of their respective societies. The Bible treats sex as an important gift that supports human life in a number of ways, including marriage, procreation, and love. Baiocco et al. (2018) reveal that God blessed humans with such a gift as one of the best recreational activities. The exercise would support the establishment of strong and stable marriages guided by Biblical teachings. In another work, Judge (2020) observes that God wanted sex to deliver pleasure to those who engage in the practice. Individuals who decide to remain in marriage are entitled to sex as one of the best ways to express love and affection. This attribute supports the idea that the act does not have to be forced or painful.
The Christian worldview dictates that believers actions and engagements should be in accordance with Christs teachings. Human beings need to appreciate that God intended or created sex as a gift for those who have come together in the institution of marriage (Suen & Chan, 2020). Individuals will have to remain faithful to their respective partners if they are to receive Gods blessings. Through such a practice, couples can find meaning in their relationships, procreate, and remain united forever (Zachhuber, 2020). The concepts of permanence, respect, and loyalty are recurring themes intended to support the success of any marriage. In the institution of marriage, members find a strong reason to develop, improve, and discover their sexualities. When these individuals pursue such goals in accordance with Gods teachings, chances are high that they will have peaceful and successful lives.
God created human beings to have control over other creatures and rely on the available resources on Earth. This understanding could explain why they are empowered to live in societies characterized by neighbors, friends, and relatives. The instruction to procreate and fill the Earth is the reason why the modern world has many people with diverse backgrounds (McIlhaney & Bush, 2019). The introduction of the notions of sexuality and sex could shed more light on the consequences human beings stand to face when they ignore Gods messages. For example, the Bible promises punishment for those who go against the outlined principles (Balswick & Balswick, 2019). This kind of knowledge could be applicable to the reckless and diseases associated with human sexuality. The world continues to record an increasing number of diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and gonorrhea. Christians should study these challenges as a form of Gods punishment against those who engage in sexual sin.
Modern societies are characterized by unique predicaments that revolve around human sexuality. Balswick and Balswick (2019) indicate that sexual aggressiveness has become a common malpractice embraced by those who ignore Gods teachings. The involved wrongdoers commit numerous offenses, including rape, sodomy, and child abuse (Zachhuber, 2020). These misbehaviors go against Gods purpose and message regarding sex. Christians who appreciate the negative impacts of these malpractices will be on the frontline to reexamine the Fall, its consequences and consider the best ways to re-pattern their lives. From the lens of personality, people should examine their beliefs and be keen to improve their approaches to sexuality. The practice will increase the chances of leading healthy lives and recording positive sexual experiences.
The Bible gives a unique connection between sex and human creation. As biological creatures, people will procreate, get children, and guide them to group up and continue to worship God. This reality shows that sex is a gift that human beings can easily abuse (Cook, 2018). In some cases, people out of wedlock or young individuals will engage in sexual intercourse. Such malpractice occurs even when the Bible forbids and guides believers to avoid it. Many scholars of theology acknowledge that love has the potential to influence additional human feelings and attachments. However, those who focus on their sexual desires will have increased chances of suffering the consequences of lust (Suen & Chan, 2020). They will identify specific partners, engage in sex, and eventually regret in life. This outcome would be possible when some individuals acquire sexually transmitted diseases or experience feelings of loss when their lovers abandon them.
Key Themes
Cultural influences should never form the basis for interpreting the outlined Christian perspectives regarding sexuality and sex. Meawad (2019) indicates that Western societies continue to promote unique practices that tend to encourage young people to engage in premarital sex. This trend is known to contribute to the increasing percentage of troubled individuals and cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Some people encourage one another to leave marriages that do not work in accordance with their original goals (Graybill, 2020). Those who engage in sex while out of wedlock engage in fornication. Consequently, the malpractice affects their spiritual and emotional well-being. Such people could be unable to pursue their religious obligations or be in a position to serve God. These ideas have contributed to the dilution or abuse of sex in different parts of the world (Suen & Chan, 2020). A renewed approach to the questions of sexuality could, therefore, help more people lead better and more fulfilling lives.
The theme of heterosexuality presents unique attributes and notions for supporting the promoted theology of sex. Suen and Chan (2020) define the word heterosexual as an individual who is capable of experiencing and expressing sexual and romantic attractions to the opposite gender. Gods design was for human beings to have unique abilities and attributes that guided them to feel attracted to people belonging to the opposite sex (Suen & Chan, 2020). Men are allowed to leave their families and find good women who can become their wives (Hebrews 13:4). This Biblical passage explains how people can approach the questions of sexuality. By starting a new journey, someone will find solace in another individual of the opposite gender and start a new family together. Those who do so in accordance with Gods guidelines will receive blessings and eventually achieve their goals.
Developed Theology of Sexuality and Sex
A practical theology of sexuality and sex needs to consider all key attributes and lessons from the Bible. The Christian worldview and subsequent guidelines offer strong ideas for practicing sexuality. According to Baiocco et al. (2018), sexual desires need to be fulfilled when two individuals, a man and a woman, come together in matrimony and agree to remain supportive. This dogma becomes the guiding principle for ensuring that more people focus on approaches that can support stable and successful marriages. Judge (2020) encourages individuals who have not married to avoid sexual desires by all means. By taking such a religious requirement seriously, such people will be faithful and righteous. The Bible encourages them to continue promoting the practice since they will have increased chances of getting rewarded.
With this foundation, the developed theology treats sex as a gift from God intended to support the stability and holiness of marriage. Couples in marriage have increased chances of receiving Gods blessings, doing what is right for each other, caring for each other, and focusing on the best activities to support their common goals. Through sex, God will reward them with children who continue to proclaim and praise His name (Judge, 2020). To achieve positive social and cultural outcomes, members of the wider community need to appreciate and respect marriages. They need to remain supportive and focus on the available ethical guidelines regarding human relationships (Cook, 2018). Such a culturally-competent approach would guide society to have a better interpretation and understanding of human sexuality.
Based on this understanding, it is evident that the Bible presents unique insights that link love to sex. When someone decides to start a family with another, the two will become united and enjoy the gifts available to them. They will focus on Gods teachings for enlightenment and be in a position to support one another (Baiocco et al., 2018). Sex becomes acceptable since it will portray their willingness to live with one another, provide much-needed support, and show the highest level of respect. These individuals will work continuously to improve their experiences, learn to forgive one another, and focus on the best approaches to achieve their maximum potential. Christians need to consult Gods principles, avoid fornication, and promote activities that glorify God.
After appreciating the true meaning and relevance of sex and sexuality in a Christian family, the involved members need to consider ideas that will support their common aims. First, sexual satisfaction will need to become one of the best ways to show affection, commitment, and love to each other. The members should be willing to solve complaints and challenges that might emerge in the pursuit of this gift of marriage (McIlhaney & Bush, 2019). Second, loyalty remains a golden rule for those who have decided to live together as husband and wife (Wingfield, 2019). This practice is essential since it encourages more believers to avoid any form of temptation and stop fornicating. Those who consider such ideas will have stable families, give birth to God-fearing children, and eventually set the best foundation for them.
Third, individuals who want to lead their lives in accordance with the proposed theology will need to consult Gods teachings continuously. They will acknowledge that the Christian worldview provides timely guidelines for avoiding sin and pursuing religious objectives. Such people will remain empowered to worship God and fulfill His commandments while on Earth. Fourth, the actions and behaviors of those who have decided to join the institution of marriage will become the best examples of a Christian family (McIlhaney & Bush, 2019). They will remain faithful, support one another, and promote the teachings of Christianity. More people will be able to learn more about the attributes of love, empathy, care, compassion, and faith from them. These four attributes summarize the developed theology of sexuality that can guide Christians to achieve their maximum religious potential.
A practical theology of sexuality and sex supports the promotion of values, behaviors, and relationships that enrich Christians lives. Believers need to approach sex in such a way that it is founded on marriage, remains consensual, and fulfills Gods commandments. Individuals who chose to remain out of wedlock should avoid the temptation to have sex. Such a malpractice has the potential to result in STDs, spiritual breakdown, and negative consequences in life. Therefore, Christians who want to lead righteous lives should promote affection through the lens of heterosexuality, take marriage seriously, avoid fornication, and consider the best strategies to lead their lives harmoniously.
Baiocco, R., Crea, G., Pistella, J., & Ioverno, S. (2018). Attitude toward Christianity, sexual orientation, and parental religiosity in a sample of Italian adolescents. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 39(3), 298-303.
Balswick, J. K., & Balswick, J. O. (2019). Authentic human sexuality: An integrated Christian approach (3rd ed.). IVP Academic.
Cook, C. H. (2018). Science and theology in human sexuality. Theology & Sexuality, 24(3), 183-199.
Graybill, R. (2020). Gender, sexuality, and the Bible: Teaching for social justice. Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies, 2(1), 29-49. Web.
Judge, M. (2020). Navigating paradox: Towards a conceptual framework for activism at the intersection of religion and sexuality. Theological Studies 76(3).
McIlhaney, J. S., & Bush, F. M. (2019). Hooked: New science on how casual sex is affecting our children (2nd ed.). Northfield.
Meawad, S. M. (2019). Sexuality, amplification, and divine indwelling: A contemporary ethic of early Christian asceticism. Modern Theology, 36(3), 582-605.
Suen, Y., & Chan, R. C. H. (2020). Relationship between religion and non-heterosexuality: A study of lesbian, gay and bisexual people of diverse religions in China. The Journal of Sex Research, 57(8), 1036-1047. Web.
Wingfield, M. (2019). Why churches need to talk about sexuality: Lessons learned from hard conversations about sex, gender, identity, and the Bible. Fortress Press.
Zachhuber, J. (2020). Sexuality and the Christian self: Michel Foucaults reading of the church fathers. Toronto Journal of Theology, 36(2), 170-182. Web.
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