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One of the strongest points of the side for payment for sex is that the illegalization of prostitution will only increase criminal and underground business. The commotion is caused because of poor regulation during work. Many people get into an arranged marriage, and in some cultures the husbands side pays money for the bride. This is accepted in several traditions, and there is no significant difference from pay for the body. The woman who used to run the escort business suggests that all her girls voluntarily came to work to get help to achieve their goals. This was their own choice, and they have no complaints about it.
The side against prostitution demonstrates many statistics about those who suffer from human trafficking and childhood abuse. The speakers state that most of the people involved in the sex for sale industry are the victims of abuse. Furthermore, most prostitutes have entered the job while still underage and unconscious of their actions. Pimps and Traffickers often hold women against their will, and according to the interviews, prostitutes do not know how to quit the system. When the other side argues that this only applies to girls at the bottom and have suffered the most, the against debaters answer that the surveys include prostitutes of all classes and ages. They state that the statistical answers do not vary over these variables. The anti-prostitution speakers mention the history of how people always tried to control and regulate paid sex, but it never proved to be successful. The possibility to resolve the situation in an organized way is improbable.
The first group made many convincing arguments and facts, which made it clear that the action, no matter how people conceptualize and frame it, is morally wrong. The side which was against the motion tried to emphasize the diversity of each case. Nonetheless, any type of money for sex dehumanizes the prostitute and makes him or her a product. Prostitution brings a lot of physical and long-lasting moral harm to the person; thus, I agree with the debates resolution.
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