Legal Contract: Case Study Of John And Span & Spic

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The concern that requires being determined in the given case study of John is an issue of consumers satisfaction and consumers well-being at the lounge of business organizations through the legal and legitimate rules and regulations at any place of this globe. As the Span and Spic offers upgraded and high-class garment cleaning services, John trusted their service blindly without any hesitation. Thats why John did not turn over his receipt to go through all the related legal issues. On other hand, it is expected from a business graduate that he will be well aware of each and every adjacent matter while he is going to have a service from any commercial organization . Span and Spic is a well known and established service provider. Its front office assistant assured John to provide best quality service in the ground of materials. At that time s/he was also supposed to tell John that they were not to acknowledge any accountability for any spoil caused to any item of clothing. Apparently this incident would be supposed as a case of ethical matters, but in this study a big deal of legal contracts and lawful issues are to be evaluated related to this case.

Formation of Contract made by John with Span and Spic:

When a person, like John, is going to have any product or service at the arena of any business organization in the bazaar, s/he becomes legally bound with that trading organization automatically. The same happens with an organization. It is also bound by lawful rules and regulations with its consumers when the very organization is dealing in any product or service in the marketplaces. There are a few components that must be time-honored to make obvious the configuration of a lawfully requisite contract. Those components or elements of any legal contract are a] Offer, b] Acceptance, c] Consideration d] Mutuality of Obligation, e] Capacity and Competency, in addition to, in definite situations, f] Written Instruments .

An offer is a pledge to proceed or abstain from acting, which is prepared in swap over for a return assurance to do the identical thing. A few Offers foresee not another guarantee being come back in exchange other than the presentation of an act or tolerance from intriguing deed.Laws differentiate introductory conciliations from official lawful offers in that consumers to introductory negotiations are short of a present purpose to shape a contract . For that reason, no legal agreement is shaped whilst parties to introductory negotiations react to each others incitements, demands, as well as insinuations. Promotional tools plus cataloguesare considered as outward appearances of the introductory negotiations. Or else, the related vendors of the Products or Services would be legally responsible for innumerable contracts with customers who observe the promotional advertisements or interpret the catalogue.

Span and Spic was expected to be watchful to avoid keeping inadequate information about their on-going as well as after sell services onitsnotice boards in comprehensible and explicit terms that generate the authority of approval in the consumers like John. The notice board only depicted the price list excluding all adjacent rules and regulations. Those rules are written on the back side of customer-receipts. Span and Spic should keep all terms and rules on its front-counter notice board along with the price so that any customer can be well aware of Haves and Have Nots in the business lounge of the cited organization. When John discovered that his suit had been damaged, he rejected to pay furthermore insisted reimbursement for the smash up; but Span and Spic rejected to do so. At the time of introductory intimation, the organization promised to provide best quality service using superior materials for dry cleaning. This promise made an assurance in the mind of John that his suit would be unhurt after the cleaning. The rejection of the after selling service by Span and Spic concludes the offerees authority of taking as well as finishes the offerors accountability for the guarantee.

Acceptance of aservice is the appearance of acquiesce to its regulations and terms. It must normally be prepared in the mode specified by the service oriented offer. John accepted the premium dry cleaning services of Span and Spic. It means generally that he was well aware of all lawful rules set by the concerned organization. He should go through the established legal contracts. On other hand, the owner of the Span and Spic should make a customer like John well aware of the adjacent legal issues of their cleaning services whether it be in written format or orally.

Each and every entity to a legal contract must afford something of Value that encourages the other one to cross the threshold of the contract. The decreeidentifies this swap of values Consideration. This exchange of morality and valuedo not call for consist of coinage. In its place, it oftencomprises of a guarantee to execute aproceeding that one is not lawfullynecessary to do or a guarantee to abstain from aperformance that one is officiallyunrestricted to do.

Law and decree of any system considers that a contract is sustained by adequate consideration usually aims more at the assurance or presentation of anofferee than the guarantee or presentation of anoffer. Through the given case it is apprehended that John is not a regular customer of Span and Spic, but he is well aware of the service and reputation of the said organization . Thats why, whilst John thought about the dry cleaning of his costly suit, he thought of Span and Spic. From this point of view, John could become a potential fresh consumer of the organization . Therefore, the same organization is always expected to take his matter into consideration  at least for the first time – as it is the question of goodwill in the market.

Mutuality of Obligation is intimately associated to the notion of consideration. Under this set of guidelines, both entitiesare expected to be bound to carry out their commitments or the existing law or decree will consider the contract as if neither entity is accountable to execute. According to this doctrine, John in addition to Span and Spic has mutuality of commitments; because according to present customs of law John promised to pay for dry cleaning service and Span and Spic is accountable to provide service in according with Johns requirement and payment. No one of them is supposed to have the ultimate authority to cancel this agreement set by law.

When a person does not recognize the characteristics and outcomes of any contract that s/he has gone into, the lawful decree considersher or him as missing mental aptitude to shape a binding agreement. In the question of Competency and Capacity John is not such a party who does not afford proper mental aptitude to apprehend any service oriented lawful contract .

In the arena of business, not every legal agreement among different parties necessitate be in writing to be legitimate and obligatory on various parties. Almost all state legislatures have ratified anentity of law that recognizes definite sorts of agreements that must be in scripts to be enforced. Span and Spic provided its rules and regulation in written format, but somehow it was not so explicit to grab the attention of John. From the aspect of the organization, it did nothing wrong to legal issues in the case of John.

A Discussion ifSpan and Spic is lawfully unrestricted to trust on the clause written on the back portion of Johns receipt to shun responsibility concerning the spoil caused to Johns suit:


According to the law, a ‘Consumer’ is measured to be a normal human being or lawful body to which a service or goods presented in the bazaar is offered. The people or the lawful unit believed to be a customer or a Consumer in this logic should craft utilization of the service or goods, provided that it comprises the end user of such Service or the Products. In this sense, John is obviously deemed as a Consumer because he has had the offered service at Span and Spic. When John is declared in accordance with law as a potential consumer, automatically he comes under the Customer Protection Law. He can avail the conveniences of such protection law standing on the opposite side of the Span and Spic.


A country or national law system developed Consumer Protection Law to shield customers against inappropriately depicted, spoiled, defective, as well ashazardousproducts and/or services in addition to from inequitablebusiness and organizationalperformances.Each and every country has a particular legal or constitutional body to deal with the consumer protection issues. The related institution investigates on the complaints of the consumers. In this case John as a consumer may have the conveniences of the Consumer Protection Laws against Span and Spic.


There is a bureau of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to fight against faulty products and services. It resists unfair business practices in the marketplace. At first, John should lodge a complaint against the Span and Spic. Then the concerned bureau of the FTC will scrutiny the complaint and they will investigate the matter . If FTC find Span and Spic doing unfair business approaches, the business organization will be taken into custody and John will get his compensation.


Here Johns case is somehow unique because the rules and regulations of Span and Spic were in his hand in the form of customer receipt, but on other hand a dry-cleaning service provider is always expected not to damage any garment. If the organization does not take any responsibility for damaging after the dry cleaning, the organization should appraise the quality of the garments before taking order of dry cleaning. John is a business graduate and engaged in a reputed consultancy firm, so he is also supposed to be well aware of related issues before consuming any service. In this case, legal issues are appeared from varied aspects of doing business in addition to consumer dealing along with ethics and morality in providing any service.

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