The Importance Of Effective Teamwork In Information Technology And The Computing Industry

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The overall purpose of this essay is discussing the importance of effective teamwork in information technology and the computing industry. In order to do this, I will be discussing the following: Eventuality of your work mattering, Unity within the workplace, clear and concise structure, risk taking and feedback as well as personal growth. I will be analysing these highlighted characteristics of effective teamwork in information technology and the computing industry in order to gain a better insight into the importance of effective teamwork and what these characteristics offer to that reasoning. Also, within the essay I will be talking about examples of how teamwork can be perceived as not as effective in its first instance, however, you can change that into being more effective and the resulting success and importance of that.

Eventuality of your work mattering

When you work in Information technology, there is a tendency to either lose sight of the end goal or to not necessarily know what that end goal is as a result of feeling like you are a cog in a wheel of a possibly giant business. The importance that eventuality plays in the importance of effective teamwork within information technology is that team members think their work matters and creates change [1]. It is not a leap to expect that if an information technology employee has a clear vision or idea of how their work directly impact either the client they are dealing with or the business they will have greater job satisfaction. Eventuality of your work mattering will also help promote synergy with team members at work by experiencing mutual support shared goals, cooperation and encouragement [2]. This explains that not only knowing your role within a business is of a large importance to effective teamwork within information technology, but also, sharing and having common goals with people that you both work with and can relate to will have an impact. This can lead to the sharing of ideas, values installed in the workplace and dependability over a common goal and importance of the impact of the work that you are fostering. Overall, we can infer from this that by having a clear and concise understanding of the work you are doing will help you interact with your team in an effective way that will be mutually beneficial.

Unity within the workplace

This leads us onto the next point of unity within the workplace being an important aspect of effective teamwork in information technology and the computing industry. Unity plays a part in effective teamwork as it encompasses the idea that a united front will work better and more effectively than a dived one. Google researches in the past have studied a variety of subjects in order to better understand them, in one they named Project Aristotle [3] they displayed the importance of effective teamwork within information technology. In the original discussion the project proves how much a great team matters [4]. They go to great lengths to find out how best to motivate unity with the workplace because is it one of the most importance components of effective teamwork which is shown in information technology. We can also see the contrasting side of this argument which further supports the former point that when a teamwork environment is not encouraged this can pose many challenges towards achieving the overall goals [2]. We can infer that unity within the workplace can be seen as a large importance to the idea of effective teamwork in information technology and can be further supported by the whole is greater than the sum of its parts [3] stated by Aristotle and the namesake for this particular Google project.

Clear and concise structure

Another significant part of effective teamwork in information technology and the computer industry is having a clear and concise structure. For teamwork to be as effective and efficient is possible goals, roles and execution plans [3] need to have clarity. Without this clarity there would be chaos in its place which would not support effective and efficient teamwork and its importance in information technology. A way of working around this would be by taking individual skills that members of a team poses and utilising them to their full potential. If you are working on a project within information technology, you will need someone with really good communication skills. Although, at the start it might not be apparent that anyone has exceptional communication skills within the group. Effective teamwork will eventually see the promotion of new skills that have previously be underutilised until a member of this team. This general idea is supported in The New York Times Magazines article on What Google learned from Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team [4]. When asked to rate whether the role of the team was clearly understood and whether their work had impact, members of the team gave middling to poor scores [4]. This apparent discontent and clear lack of clarity is not a way of building effective teamwork in information technology. This shows that the importance of clear and concise structure in information technology and the computing industry is highly important in having an efficient and effective motivated team that know their roles.

Risk taking and feedback

Risk taking and feedback are important components of effective teamwork in information technology and the computing industry. In order to risk take, provide and receive feedback comfortably members of the team need to feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable in front of each other [1]. This is the idea that in order to be at your most effective within a team in information technology you need to feel comfortable and confident in sharing your ideas with the team. If you do not feel safe within that group and confident to share these ideas and take risks with your work, then the result could be less productive. It is important that if you feel comfortable within that environment it allows individuals to brainstorm, collectively which in turn increase their success to problem solve and arrive at solutions more efficiently and effectively [2]. When talking about the importance of effectiveness you can not understate that, that informs us working together and sharing ideas whilst feeling safe will return greater results than being in an environment where you do not want to feel vulnerable and make mistakes. Therefore, when using effective teamwork in information technology and the computing industry it is important to supplement a range of skills that individuals have while making it safe to take a risk on this team [1].

Personal growth

Personal growth is another important part of effective teamwork in information technology and the computing industry. Some examples of effective teamwork with personal growth could be learning from one anothers mistakes [2]. It is both important and effective when working as a team to better yourself and each other by learning from these mistakes and arriving into future projects with a better mindset or skillset in order to complete them more efficiently or effectively. Personal growth can be ascertained not only for the sole benefit of yourself but the benefit of the team that you work within. It is important to remember that personal growth and effective teamwork do walk hand in hand and its sometimes easy to forget that success is often built on experiences [4]. Not everything can be fully functional from the start. Personal growth is important in effective teamwork in information technology and the computing industry as without it you are at the risk of not increasing your skillset and missing out on ways to increase productivity which leads to effective teamwork.


The overall aim of this essay was to determine and discuss the importance of effective teamwork in information technology and the computing industry. In order to discuss the importance of effective teamworking in information technology and the computing industry I have discussed several important aspects such as Eventuality of your work mattering, Unity within the workplace, clear and concise structure, risk taking and feedback as well as personal growth. Throughout this essay we have come to the understanding that without effective teamwork it is hard for both the person part of a team and the person in charge of that team to get the best out of any given situation. There needs to be a clear understanding in what the person needs to get out of the team as well as what is required from that team as without those two aspects the teamwork is ineffective. Generally, when you are part of a team where you have unity, clear structure, personal growth and you can feel vulnerable allowing you to take risks your team will be provided with the most effective work. Overall, we can infer that effective teamwork is important in information technology and the computing industry.


  1. Google, Rework with Google, 13 September 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 10 November 2020].
  2. S. Wehbe, Potential, 31 March 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 09 November 2020].
  3. rework with google, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 08 November 2020].
  4. C. Duhigg, What Google learned from its quest to build the perfect team, The New York Times Magazine, 25 February 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 08 November 2020].

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